Published 2 July 2024

An all-round collaboration that sees the Italian Transport Cluster and Cim 4.0, together with a rich audience of other partners, engaged in a European challenge for sustainable mobility.

Fourteen entities, 9 partners and 5 Affiliated Identities, including the Transport Cluster, under the aegis of the European Digital Innovation Hub (Edih) and the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy which, thanks to PNRR funds, will develop the HD Motion project.

The project is therefore aimed at both the Public Administration and businesses. Everyone is asked for a burst of competitiveness.

Why the Cluster affiliation? First of all for the “proximity of the mission” thanks to the breadth of its members and the proximity to the Ministry which makes it not only a “common place” for organizations and private individuals, but makes it a protagonist for “dissemination” or if we want more simply, the dissemination of the project pillars and their implementation.

We asked Matteo Bandiera, coordinator of the Hd Motion project for Cim 4.0.

What is the HD Motion deadline?
«We have 24 months in line with the PNRR funds, so we will have to be operational by 2026. The budget amounts to approximately 7 million and 300 thousand euros».

What is the concept behind the project?
«Mobility, which is at the base, is the fulcrum of every society. And the concept of mobility has changed substantially. Today the consumer no longer sees the car as a status symbol, but rather a means of transport among others for a single journey. Maybe you prefer renting or sharing. Therefore the user wants to be able to choose between different vehicles even in combination with each other, from the scooter, to the car, to the train, to the bus, but currently in Italy in order to travel in intermodality he needs to download at least three different platforms which do not communicate between They. Everyone goes to work, unfortunately in most cases with their own car and this has a negative impact on liveability and the environment. We aim to create an intelligent ecosystem where businesses and individuals “speak the same language”, in which mobility is sustainable and connected. An ecosystem that is also inclusive for those with different abilities and that works both in road transport and in maritime and rail transport.”

What is the current stage of HD Motion?
«There are four pillars. The first, what we are working on now are the Test for invest activities, i.e. the validation, prototyping and testing activities. Therefore tests of connected, autonomous and ecological vehicles, digital twins of areas and traffic, massive simulation, AI techniques for behavioral change, Edge/Fog platforms for low latency services, advanced automotive production monitoring systems, connected and collaborative systems for TPL and intermodality. And finally MAAS, Mobility As A Service.”

Therefore the verification of the validity of what is proposed before moving on to investments. And the next steps?
“Training. Across the board, both in terms of mobility and technology which is now essential. The next step, the third pillar, however, is access to financing. Our task will also be the fundamental one of supporting customers in this phase with a mapping from which to start and then arrive at matchmaking, therefore associating source and user. So the last pillar: creating a national and European ecosystem that works within sustainable mobility, which encourages the exchange of Best Practices. In Italy at the moment mobility is very fragmented and it is difficult to create synergies. Instead we need to meet consumer preferences, making mobility a service. Network, network, identify other Italian and European clusters, bring together supply and demand. We will eventually be able to offer services with discount percentages, even 100 percent in some cases.”


Competence Industry Manufacturing 4.0 S.C.A R.L.  Coordinator Cluster Trasporti AE

Politecnico di Torino  Partner

Almaviva – The Italian Innovation Company S.p.A. Partner

Fondazione Bruno Kessler  Partner

Consorzio Università Industria – Laboratori di Radiocomunicazioni Partner

Università degli Studi Dell’Aquila AE

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Partner

Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Partner

Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center S.p.A. AE

Unione Industriale di Torino  Partner

Confindustria Piemonte AE

Digital Innovation Hub Piemonte AE

Fondazione LINKS – Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society  Partner
